Certificate of Merit

Each year in the spring, the SWE Hartford section hosts an annual achievement award presented to students completing their junior year of high school. SWE Certificate of Merit Recipient(s) are chosen by school’s math and science department faculty or school administration to recognize their accomplishments in STEM. All eligible schools in the SWE Hartford geographical section are contacted and invited to submit student nominees. We encourage schools to nominate one student identifying as a girl and one identifying as a boy if they are co-educational, and two girls if they are an all-girls school.

All nominated students receive a certificate.  Students, unable to attend the event, will receive certificate by mail via the faculty contact.

As of 2023, we have returned our celebration to an in person presentation with speakers, refreshments, dessert and networking where the students can meet with SWE Hartford members and ask questions about SWE, mentors, applying to college, studying engineering or internships. The students and their families are able to hear from local engineers and leaders about what they can do with a career in math, science, engineering or technology.