- Stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders.
- Expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life.
- Demonstrate the value of diversity.
- Inform young women, their parents, counselors and the public in general of the qualifications and achievements of women engineers open to them.
- Assist women engineers in readying themselves for a return to active work after temporary retirement.
- Serve as a center of information on women in engineering.
- Encourage women engineers to attain high levels of educational and professional achievement.
Key Issues
- Leadership – Provide opportunities for members to develop leadership and management skills to enable them to achieve their maximum potential and further their their ability to attain increasingly important positions of responsibility.
- Education – Provide programs to encourage girls and women to enter engineer and encourage members to attain high levels of achievement in their fields.
- Visibility – Increase visibility of SWE and its programs to members, the technical community and the general public.
- Diversity – Develop programs to encourage and sustain increase participation in the fields of science and engineering reflective of our diverse population.
- Resources – Increase the Society’s resources for the purpose of supporting high quality programs and services to meet its goals.